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Brief Overview

        I  ndian Ins tute of Management Visakhapatnam (IIMV) belongs to the pres gious IIM family of business
           schools. It is a new genera on IIM set up in September 2015 by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.

 Contents  PhD Programme is the doctoral programme of IIMV. The Ins tute recognises the importance of research and is
         firm on its commitment to becoming a world-class management research Ins tute and preparing individuals for
         faculty posi ons at leading universi es across the world.

 Brief Overview  03  Doctoral students play an important role in the research output of an Ins tute. Under the mentorship and
        guidance  of  Indian  Ins tute  of  Management  Bangalore  (IIMB),  the  acknowledged  leader  in  management
        educa on, the Ins tute is launching the PhD Programme leading to the award of the degree of 'Doctor of
 Director’s Message  04  Philosophy' (PhD).

 PhD Programme Chairperson’s Desk  05  The PhD Programme aims primarily at training prospec ve scholars who will excel in their chosen areas of
        research through high-quality publica ons. This Programme would also groom the individuals to be highly skilled
 PhD Programme Coordinator’s Welcome  05  in teaching various aspects of management.

         In the context of recent economic, social and
 Areas of Specialisa on in the PhD Programme  06
         ecological challenges confron ng business and
         non-business  organisa ons,  the  research-
 Structure of the PhD Programme  07  oriented ecosystem of IIMV would provide the
         prospec ve  scholars  numerous  opportuni es
 Thesis Advisory Commi ee and Thesis Proposal Defence  08  to  refine  their  ideas,  develop  methods  and
        models  to  solve  challenging  problems  and
 Thesis Examina on Commi ee  08  emerge  as  innova ve  solu on  providers  and
        thinkers, in the long run.
 Infrastructure and Facili es  08
        Collabora on  between  faculty  members  and
        students is the hallmark of the PhD Programme.
 Library Facili es  10  The  cohort  of  faculty  members  at  IIMV,
        recruited  under  the  mentorship  of  IIMB,  has
 Ins tu onal Support  11  proven track record in research of interna onal
        standards.  This  provides  a  conducive
 Admission Modali es  12  environment  to  prospec ve  scholars  to  find
        research topics from a rich and diverse bouquet
        of management themes.
 Admission Prerequsites  13
        The normal dura on of the PhD Programme is five years, comprising two years of course work, a comprehensive
 How to apply  16  examina on and thesis work consis ng of a thesis proposal defence; and, a final thesis evalua on and defence.
        The famous Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". It is on this
 About IIMV & its (Upcoming) Permanent Campus  17  premise and promise that IIMV is star ng the programme in the Year 2019 in two areas viz. Finance & Accoun ng;
        and, Produc on & Opera ons Management. The Ins tute is commi ed to expanding the Programme coverage
        to all the fields of management studies, in due course.
 Contact Info  17
         IIMV reflects true na onal character. On the strength of its infrastructural resources and ins tu onal processes
 About Visakhapatnam  18  (academic and administra ve), the Ins tute a racts faculty and students from across the country.  The Ins tute's
         faculty prac se robust teaching-learning processes and contribute to frui ul learning outcomes.
 How to reach Visakhapatnam  19
        Thus, IIMV offers good opportuni es to interact; share ideas and thoughts; and exchange knowledge in a
        symbio c way. In sum, there is a whole lot at IIMV for every doctoral student to learn about, contribute to, gain
        from and feel proud of. IIMV, therefore, encourages prospec ve scholars with a passion for research, to apply for
        this Programme. The Ins tute is posi ve that its doctoral degree holders will make a posi ve and profound
        impact in their chosen field of career, be it in government, business or academia.

 02 IIM Visakhapatnam                                                                              PhD Programme Brochure  03
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