Page 3 - IIM(V)IBES_Final version-v3i3-mayaug2022
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         29 JULY
      The sixth Annual Convocation of the Indian Institute of Management
      Visakhapatnam (IIMV) was held at the Hotel Novotel Varun Beach
      on  July 29, 2022. This year, 182 students  graduated  from various
      flagship programs, and eight of them were awarded gold medals.

      The degrees were conferred to 132 students from the Post-Graduate
      Program in Management (PGP), 24 students from the Post-Graduate
      Program in Management for Experienced Professionals (PGPEx), and
      26 students from the Post-Graduate Program in Digital Governance
      and Management (PGP-DGM). The event was held in the presence
      of the chief guest Padma Bhushan Dr. Naresh Trehan, Chairman and

      Managing Director of Medanta - the Medicity, Shri Hari S Bhartia,
      Chairperson, Board of Governors, IIMV, Professor M Chandrasekhar,
      Director, IIMV, Chair PGP Prof. PRS Sarma, Chair PGPEx Prof. Saroj
      Kumar Pani, Chair PGP-DGM Prof. Neena Pandey, faculty members,
      staff, and students.

      Delivering the convocation address, the chief guest, Dr Naresh Trehan, urged the students to pursue their
      passions and work hard to achieve them. “Once you begin your career, be humble and strive to improve
      yourself every day,” he advised. In addition, he emphasised the importance of avoiding two destructive traits:
      arrogance and greed. He also suggested students be vigilant about great opportunities that come their way,
      as it is these unannounced opportunities that shape the career and life of an individual.

      Toppers from each program were awarded gold medals in recognition of their academic performance. From
      the PGP 2020-2022 batch, Ms. Pallavi Bansal received a gold medal for coming in first, Mr. VishnoSirohi for
      coming in second, and Mr. Joga Venkata Sandeep received the gold medal under the best overall performance
      category. Pallavi Bansal was also the winner of the Vani Row Memorial gold medal. In the PGPEx 2020-2022
      batch, Ms. DivyaKuppilli received the gold medal for securing the first rank, and Mr. Palash Sharma received
      the gold medal for securing the second rank. In the PGP-DGM 2019-2021 batch, Ms. Shena Aggarwal and

      Mr. Pranav Upadhyay received the gold medal for securing the first and second rank, respectively.

                                                              Shri  Hari  S.  Bhartia, Chairman  of  the  Board  of
                                                              Governors (BoG) of IIMV, congratulated the students
                                                              and their proud parents on this event. He praised the
                                                              institution and all its stakeholders for adapting to the

                                                              pandemic in order to maintain the institution’s high
                                                              academic standards. He advised the graduates to
                                                              embrace change rather than resist it. He encouraged
                                                              the graduating students to cultivate the virtue of
                                                              patience, as it would facilitate their future growth.
                                                              He also discussed the significance of Environmental,

                                                              Social,  and  Governance  (ESG)  and  encouraged
                                                              everyone to contribute towards it.

        1 VOL.3/ ISSUE 3, MAY-AUG 2022
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