Financial Support

PhD Program students in good standing will receive stipend will be paid at par with the UGC norms i.e., Rs.37,000/- per month for the 1st two years and Rs. 42,000/- per month from the third year onwards. Students are required to be in attendance on a full-time basis and devote all their time to course-work and research and are also required to provide teaching and research assistance.

Other financial support available to students include:

  • Contingency Grant is paid at par with UGC norms.
  • International Conference grants of up to Rs.3,00,000/- and National Conference grants of up to Rs. 60,000/- towards accepted papers (prior approval needed).
  • Rs.50,000/- per publication or acceptance thereof in Financial Times (FT) 50, UT Dallas 24 or Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) - A* with Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair and/or Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Member and 
  • Rs.25,000/- per publication in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)- A with Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair and/or Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Member
#Applicants who are admitted through JRF will get a Fellowship and HRA from UGC as per the UGC rules, IIMV do not provide additional stipend and/or HRA. Any other financial support will be provided as per institution policy.